Football Season is Back. Where is Bear Grylls?

by Ryan on August 31, 2007

Exciting times they are when we can stop watching reruns of Friends and focus on some real world combat. College football kicked offs off for real this weekend and the Tennessee vs. Cal game is surely the one to watch – Saturday night at 8pm EST on ESPN. The only other show on TV that even compares to the mindless joy of watching football was Man Versus Wild, but Bear Grylls‘ killer show was apparently kicked off of The Discovery Chanel and replaced by some backpack and tent wielding pansy that calls himself “Survivorman“. This guy is a real goon and the real outdoor survival expert, Bear, needs to be put back on DSC full time.

UPDATE:  Bear came back in 2009 in full force.  He’s the craziest guy on TV.

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